
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Alphabet Roads

I used this simple activity to help my son become more interested in letter recognition when he was about 2 years old.

The set up.

What you need:
- white A4 paper
- black and yellow marker pens
- selection of vehicles (we started with ambulance, bus, car, digger, excavator and fire engine)
- vehicle name labels with first letter underlined

The activity:
The first stage was to match the name label to each vehicle. My son's speech was very limited at this time so for us it was more a case of me asking the questions and my son saying yes or no. He recognised most of the vehicle names and moved the labels next to the vehicle. 

After this we talked about the starting letter and matched the vehicle and name label to the letter road. Again for my son this required a lot of support from me. 

The final part of the activity simply involved letting my son drive each vehicle on the letter road. He enjoyed following the shape of the letter road and I constantly encouraged him to try and sound the letter. 

On reflection it may have been a good idea to have also provided him with the lower case letter road as well to support upper and lower case letter recognition.

Matching the vehicle to the letter road.
Driving on the letter road.

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