
Monday, May 1, 2017

Conversation Cups

Offering some dinner time conversation prompts that engage the whole family in using their imaginations and expressing their emotions.

Questions in cups to prompt dinner time conversation.

What you need:
- lazy susan turntable
- cups
- paper
- marker

How it works:
So often we find ourselves sat at the dinner table trying to have an adult conversation while our toddler is rabbiting on about ...... well who knows what to be honest! However, last week my son turned to me half way through dinner and asked 'Mummy what was your dream last night?'. It prompted such a fun discussion that engaged all of us in using our imaginations.

From this I created 'conversation cups' which is a novel way of prompting meal time discussion. We took it in turns to spin the lazy susan. Whichever red cup landed in front of us was the question we had to read out and answer. Then all members of the family had to answer the same question as well.

Question cups in action during dinner time.

It was really nice to have fun topics to discuss that interested all members of the family. It provided good vocabulary and conversational skills development, as well as being quality family time.

Ready to reveal his question.

Some example questions were:
- if you could be friends with any book character who would it be and why?
- if you could invite anyone to dinner tonight who would it be and why?
- what is your dream job and why?
- if you could visit anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
- if you could invent a new flavour ice cream what would it look and taste like?
- who is your best friend and what are the three things you like most about them?
- what was the best thing and worst thing about your day?

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