
Friday, February 9, 2018

Winter Olympics Car Curling

Why not get into the Winter Olympics spirit and play this fun twist on curling?! If your kids love cars and competition then they'll love this game!

Car curling!

What you need:
- DIY Lightbox (plastic container with clear lid, white tissue paper, clear tape, and battery operated small lights)
- dry erase markers (black, blue and red)
- ruler
- hot wheels cars
- toothbrush (for sweeping)

How it works:

To make your DIY Lightbox simply attach one layer of white tissue paper to the underside of the container lid using clear tape. Try to make sure the tissue paper is smooth and pulled relatively tight. Then get ready to draw on the game markings.

Lid with white tissue paper attached.
I didn't replicate the official Winter Olympics 2018 curling playing area markings- can you tell?!?! I used a ruler and dry erase markers to simply add some target boxes on the top surface of the container lid.

Playing area markings all set.
We put the small lights inside the container, turned them on and put the lid on top. We turned off the lights and it really did look like an ice rink at night!

DIY Lightbox transformed to car curling arena!
For my 4 yr old it was a case of simply trying to get his car to park in the centre white 'bullseye'. He loved the challenge of trying to give the car just the right amount of push from the start line. You could easily introduce a scoring system to encourage some numeracy work..... my little man was way too excited for that today!

Pushing the car from the start line towards the target area.
We added an extra role of a sweeper, who used a toothbrush to clear the 'ice' for the car. Strangely this was just as exciting to my son as the car pushing!

Sweeping in action.

We are looking forward to experimenting with other materials on our curling arena, although I suspect we will always revert back to cars!

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