
Monday, November 26, 2018

CMA Civic Kids November Project: The Drawing Game

This simple drawing game is ideal for on-the-go entertainment over the holiday season! My 5 year old is obsessed!

We've joined the CMA Civic Kids Movement which aims to bring communities together through creativity- Make Art, Make a Difference. There will be a year-long series of exhibitions, community events, and digital art calls hosted by Children's Museum of the Arts in New York City. Each month there is a different theme and a different project posted on the website. November's theme is Equity and The Drawing Game project is so much fun!

This simple game is sure to get the whole family giggling as the crazy creations are revealed!

What you need:
- paper, folded into equal segments (we used A4 paper folded into four)
- selection of markers or crayons
- a team of creative artists!

Step 1: Prepare the Paper
Fold the paper into equal-sized segments. We chose to do four, but less or more also works! Set out the paper (get a few ready as your kids will want several turns!), folded up, along with the markers and crayons.

Take it in turns to draw part of a person, creature or animal on each segment of the paper. Make sure the other players cannot see what you are drawing!

Fold the paper to the next segment and give it to the next artist. Making little marks so they know where to start their drawing might help.

You can split the drawing however you like, we opted for head, upper body, lower body and legs.

Once all the segments are done, unfold the paper and get ready to laugh at your crazy and comical creation!! We could not get enough of this activity! As soon as one was finished we had started the next!

It is also lots of fun to color in the creations and give them names as well!

This is such a fun and inclusive drawing activity. Ability is irrelevant! We also had fun turning the paper landscape and palying the game by drawing cars and trains! Be sure to visit the CMANY website for the full tutorial and to see everyone's drawings!

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