
Monday, November 12, 2018

Freshen Up Old Bricks with Mbriks

A new building brick product is on the market and it is pretty cool!

We were kindly gifted this set of Mbriks for purpose of review. All opinions and images are our own and completely genuine.

The most popular STEM toy in our house is definitely building bricks! We love nothing more than settling down to a fun family building session at the weekend. But just like any toy, sometimes we get a little stuck in our ways and the enthusiasm goes. That's why we were pretty excited to be sent a pack of Mbriks to test out!

These are not just any old building bricks. Mbriks are magnetic foundation bricks which can turn LEGO creations into vertical structures by attaching them to a magnetic surface.

All sides of these foundation bricks are magnetic which enables kids to build in multiple directions. My 5 year old spent a long time exploring how they worked and testing them out on various magnetic surfaces. He would make simple builds and see if the Mbriks could support them.

It really encouraged him to think about his engineering to ensure the build would work vertically. The product is recommended for children 8 years plus and I agree that is a suitable age. I have to say that for the Mbriks to work kids need to have an understanding of how the magnets need to be placed in order to support the structure. My son is a bit young to have that understanding so he did get a little frustrated at times. Give him a few years and he'll be an Mbrik whiz!

If your kids are older and love to create with building bricks, this could be a really fun gift. Mbriks add a whole new angle to brick play and really make kids think about their STEM-based learning! If you'd like to learn more, click the link to see the Kickstarter Campaign.

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