
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Glo Bar!

This inviting water and light play set up is guaranteed to get all the 'ooooos' and 'aaaaas' from your kids!

We were kindly gifted some Glo Pals for purpose of review. All opinions and images are our own and completely genuine. Use LITTLEMIND15 for 15% off entire order on the Glo Pals website.

Water is hands down the most popular sensory play material in our house. My 21 month old and 5 year old love the most simple of set ups- water, containers and some fine motor tools will keep them happy for an hour. So when Glo Pals sent us some of their fun liquid activated toys, I knew I'd have a winning set up on my hands!

What you need:
- Glo Pals- we were lucky enough to sample all 5 colors (they come in single color packs of 4)
- containers or jars
- water
- have some towels to hand too!

How it works:
This is simply designed to be an open-ended invitation to explore water and light. With my kids I gave them no guidance and just let them experiment! Of course I ensured I was present and monitoring baby sis the entire time.

They started off by putting one Glo Pal in each container of water. They were sooooo excited to see the whole container glow!

They were fascinated with how the Glo Pals worked. As soon as the kids put them in the water, they lit up. As soon as they took them out, they stopped glowing! It wasn't long before both kids started to investigate what happened when they added more than one glow color to the water.

This Glo Bar set up was awesome for baby sis' color recognition and vocabulary development. She would excitedly point to and shout out the colors she could see glowing.

She also later explored color matching in the small jars with colorful lids. She had so much fun!

I loved watching both kids confidently exploring the sensory materials. Big bro was fascinated with how the Glo Pals work which prompted lots of scientific questions. It's amazing how such a simple set up can inspire so much creative play and STEM learning!

Glo Pals have a glow life of approx. 8 hours. If you are interested in purchasing some I have a special 15% off code to share with you, to be used on their website - LITTLEMIND15.

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