
Monday, September 26, 2016

Rainbow Rice Number Eggs

Re-using old materials by combining rainbow rice, hollow Easter eggs and some ice cream scoopers.

The set up.

What you need:
- rainbow rice left over from our rainbow rice number hunt activity (half fill an empty 1.5l plastic water bottle with white rice, add a generous squirt of food colouring and a few drops of white vinegar, shake well and then lay it out on tin foil for 30 mins to dry)
- selection of magnetic and wooden colourful numbers
- hollow plastic Easter eggs with numbers written on using permanent marker
- ice cream scoops

The activity:
I tried not to give too much direction to my son and instead let him just explore the tub. He enjoyed hiding the numbers in their number eggs, playing 'I Spy' with the numbers, and also making musical rice shakers. 

Any tub filled with rice is always enjoyable for my son but adding a theme is a nice way to introduce some number learning at the same time. You could use the same set up but with letters.

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