
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Salt Numbers

A nice sensory activity to help with number recognition and writing.

The set up.

What you need:
- table salt
- a large plate or container lid
- numbers (I used wooden ones but you could just have them written on pieces of paper)
- plastic wands (not necessary but fun)

The activity:
I asked my son to choose a number from the box and thankfully he chose a nice easy one to start with, number 1. I showed him using my finger how to draw the number in the salt and he was happy to have a go by himself. I also pointed out that he could use the wand if he wanted to which he thought was lots of fun. 

Drawing number 1.

He was confident in doing the same for number 7 but began to struggle with the other numbers. For this reason, Daddy came to the rescue and held my son's hand so that they could write the other numbers together. They wrote each number several times and repeated the number verbally.

Daddy helping with number 3.

This activity could also be done with letters.

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