
Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Turning the bath tub into a construction zone made for the longest bath time ever!

Construction zone in the bath tub.

What you need:
- bath tub filled with water
- building blocks (we used Mega Bloks)
- PVC pipes, rope and a bucket to make a pulley (one piece of electrical tape used at the top to help reinforce the pipes)

Just a tad excited about his bath!

How it works:
This is an invitation to play so there was nothing structured about it. My son loved the novelty of having his building blocks in the bath and enjoyed experimenting with the pulley. We discussed how the weight of the water made it harder to pull and he liked seeing how many blocks he could fit in the bucket. He finished off his bath by making bock boats and having races with them through the pulley tunnel.

Experimenting with the pulley.

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