
Monday, April 17, 2017

DIY Egg Puzzles

A very simple Easter-themed cutting and puzzle activity that hardly requires any prep time at all.

Easter egg DIY puzzles.

What you need:
- coloured card
- black marker
- scissors

How it works:
Simply present the card eggs to your little one with a pair of scissors and ask them to cut along the black line on each egg. My son struggled a bit with the zig-zags but did the best he could.

Careful cutting.
Struggling with the zig-zags.

Once the cutting is finished jumble up the egg pieces and ask your child to put them back together like a puzzle. This part could be made more challenging by not making all of the eggs different colours as this will encourage your child to think more about the shapes rather then just matching the egg colours.

Finishing up the egg puzzles.

You could always then use the egg puzzles to make Easter cards or collages to avoid wasting them.

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