
Monday, February 20, 2017

Rainbow Snow

Now that we are living in the States we have a brand new sensory material to explore...... snow! The simple combination of snow, colours, scoopers and pots provided nearly two hours of fun.

Rainbow snow.

What you need:
- snow (if you can't get snow ice is always a good alternative but use paints and brushes rather than food colouring)

- food colouring (we used red, green, blue and yellow)
- a selection of various sized pots and tools for scooping and tipping fun

The set up.

How it works:
There was no structure to this play but instead it was all about my little man getting to explore all of the materials provided on his own terms. My son went straight for the food colouring and loved dying the snow and then mixing it to make 'rainbow snow' as he called it.

Squirting on the food colouring.

Once the colours were added lots of time was spent scooping and mixing the snow to spread the colours.

Mixing the coloured snow.

He also enjoyed using the pots to build 'snow castles' and big 'rainbow snowballs'.

Big rainbow snowball.

Finally he had to of course add some vehicles to the tub so he added some diggers and built a snowy ditch for his Gordon train to get stuck in.

Diggers and trains added to the snow.

This was such an easy activity to set up and as the snow was free it was really cheap too. This is definitely one we will do again next winter!

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