
Thursday, May 11, 2017


A superhero themed invitation to craft and play that captured my son's vivid imagination and love of storytelling.


What you need:
- large popsicle sticks
- card capes (triangles)
- card masks with googly eyes stuck on
- card buildings
- alphabet stickers
- foam letters
- strong glue (Goop) and glue stick
- markers
- blue and black A4 card for the city scenes
- silver star stickers

How it works:
The first task was to build a superhero. I directed my son towards the relevant materials but tried to let him have ownership of this task as much as possible. He started off by choosing a red cape and mask and sticking them to the popsicle stick. We used 'Goop' strong glue for this part to make sure it could endure all those superhero rescue missions.

The next stage was to decorate the back of the cape (which he chose to do using the alphabet stickers) and to add some details to the front of the cape (he added arms and fingers). He also added a foam 'W' to the chest of his superhero.

Decorating the back of the cape.
Test flight.
Adding arms and fingers.

After a few test flights and lots of superhero sound effects we were ready for the second part of the activity which involved building a city to be rescued. I provided blue card and black card and asked my son if he wanted the superhero to work during the day or at night. My son said 'both Mummy because he is a really good superhero'. So he proceeded to use the card buildings and glue stick provided to make day and night cities. He added stars and a sunshine as well.

Making his day city scenery.
Adding a few details by hand.

All that was left to do was enjoy making up some superhero adventures. My favourite of his tales was how 'W' rescued the floating police station by pushing back down to earth, closely followed by his superhero rescuing a fallen star by flying all the way up to the sky with it. The creative storytelling was definitely the highlight of this activity.

'W' and his day and night cities.

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