
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Number Threading

Combining number work and fine motor skill threading along with my son's current obsession..... hole punching.

Number threading.

What you need:
- white card (draw and cut out numbers from this)
- hole puncher
- yarn or string
- black marker
- container (if you want to use it on the go)

Materials in a container so that we can take the activity out and about.

How it works:
I drew numbers 1-5 on the white card and cut them out. I hole punched numbers 1, 2 and 3 for my son but for numbers 4 and 5 I just used the black marker to dot where he needed to hole punch.

I threaded the number 1 and 2 so that my son could see how it worked and then presented him with the remaining materials for him to explore. He enjoyed using his scissors to cut a nice long piece of yarn before attempting to thread it through the number 3.

Cutting his yarn.
Concentrating very hard to thread the yarn through the holes.

He found it quite a fiddly task but patiently tried to complete number 3. After he was done he was very excited to use the hole puncher to put the holes in number 4 and 5. Again, this was rather fiddly but he was happy to let Mummy help to make sure the holes were in the right place. He then threaded the 4 while Mummy did the 5.

An activity that required lots of patience and some assistance but great for fine motor skill development and number recognition.

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