
Monday, October 1, 2018

I Heart Art

Help cultivate a love of process art in your little one with these 7 easy heart art activities!

What you need:
- white A4 card cut into hearts
- acrylic paint- we used IKEA MALA fluorescent paints
- salad spinner
- bubble wrap
- tissue paper (small pieces)
- water spray bottle
- Kwik Stix Neon Colors
- plastic wrap
- rolling pin
- Ziploc bag
- Crayola markers
- we contained the mess with our Bumkins Splat Mat

My daughter is 18 months and loves all things paint related! We sat and went through all 7 of these activities in one go, but of course some kids might do better to just focus on one at a time. Do what works best for your kiddo!

Spin art creates such a cool effect! Each time the lid was opened, baby sis let out such a gasp of amazement! Tape the card heart to the bottom of the salad spinner and get your kid to add small dots of paint. Put the lid on and go wild spinning the heart round and round. Open the lid and be amazed!

Squirt the paint all over the raised side of the bubble wrap. Press the white heart onto the bubble wrap and then slowly peel it off. It leaves such a fun dot pattern full of vibrant colors.

This one is a great fine motor skill workout. Get your little one to spray some water onto the heart. Let them add tissue paper pieces so that the heart is completely covered. Spray some more water on (but careful not to drown the heart!). Let the heart completely dry and peel off the tissue paper. The colors will have bled and left a lovely mosaic pattern.

Painting doesn't always have to involve a brush! Baby sis loves using our Kwik Stix because she is able to easily make bold and colorful marks. I love them because they are pretty much mess free as they dry in 90 seconds and are totally washable!

Your child can enjoy adding paint to the heart- let them decide whether to do dots, swirls, lines... whatever! Be fairly generous with the paint. Then wrap the heart with plastic wrap and squish to your heart's content! You can experiment with using fingers, hands or feet!

Using a rolling pin gives such an awesome striped rainbow effect! Simply add dots of paint at one end of the heart, not too big and quite close together. Then ask your kiddo to roll the rolling pin over the paint and over the entire heart. Add more paint if necessary.

This method of process art really does have the novelty factor. Let your kid color all over the Ziploc bag using markers. Then spray on some water and press the heart onto the bag. Peel off the heart and enjoy the bright and beautiful color print that it leaves. If you are doing this with older children you can get them to add a drawing to the white heart using permanent marker before pressing it on the bag.

Which one is your kid's favorite process art method? The salad spinner definitely got the biggest wow from my little one! We can't wait to use these to make a gorgeous heart art collage and frame it for our playroom.

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