
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Balance Stones for Creative & Physical Play Indoors

My kids love climbing and jumping indoors but the furniture isn't an ideal playground. Cue Rocksteady Balance Stepping Stones!

We were kindly gifted these Rocksteady Balance Stepping Stones by JumpOff Jo for purpose of review. All opinions and images are our own and completely genuine. This post contains affiliate links.

I'd never really considered getting my kids indoor play equipment until I saw these cool balance stones. A huge appeal for me was how portable they are, and also how easy they are to store away. I couldn't believe how creative my kids were with them!

As my kids unpacked the balance stones from the box I didn't give them any guidance. I wanted to see how they would use them first. Big bro is 5 years old and baby sis is 22 months old. They worked together to arrange the stones into a group and then started to experiment with balancing on them. I love that the stones are relatively light so even baby sis could move them around easily.

They both navigated their way over the stones and experimented with balancing. This was definitely more of a challenge for baby sis!

They quickly wanted to change the balance stone arrangement and put them in a long line.

The balance stones are very well made, with a sturdy non-slip rubber lining covering the base. The set includes three large and three small stones. I love the bright and bold colors and the variety in sizes.

Here's a few fun ways we used them to work on balance, co-ordination and color recognition:

Simon says...
My son was the one to suggest this and it was great fun. The leader would say 'Simon says' left hand on green, and the player would have to follow. This was good for developing gross motor skills, balance, co-ordination, directions and color work.

Yoga poses...
This one was meant more for big bro, but as you can see baby sis was more than capable of performing a downward-facing dog pose as well!

Lava floor...
The kids loved pretending that the floor was lava. They tried with all their might to stay on the stones!

Build a chair challenge...
Baby sis came up with this idea. She loved arranging the stones into a little throne for herself to relax on.

Baby sis even experimented with making a bed for herself!

Rainbow match...
Baby sis enjoyed using her rainbow toy for some hands-on color matching. It was great seeing her problem solving when it came to balancing the larger rainbow pieces on the smaller stones.

And we still have so many more ideas to test out! My kids genuinely had a great time with these. As a parent I loved how they challenged their creativity and engineering skills, as well as the way they encouraged so much physical play. These will be a great resource to take outside in the summer as well. We would definitely recommend the JumpOff Jo RockSteady Balance Stones as a great play investment!


  1. What a fantastic and creative idea! Balance stones seem like a wonderful way to encourage physical activity while also stimulating creativity in kids. I love how you’ve combined play with skill-building – it's such a natural way for children to develop balance and coordination. The DIY aspect is an added bonus, making it accessible and customizable for any household. I’m definitely going to try making these for my kids. Thanks for sharing this inspiring project!

    1. Found this stepping stones on sale!
