Monday, February 6, 2017

Starting Sound Stations

Making use of our laundry basket web again (see Letter Rescue post) but this time working on starting sounds and combining it with my son's greatest passion- trains!

The set up.

What you need:
- your laundry basket and ribbon or string web
- a selection of objects (we used Thomas trains but it could be anything at all- Disney characters, fruit, crayon colours etc.)
- letters (we used Toys R Us magnetic ones)
- white paper for the 'station'

The activity:
I asked my son to rescue his trains one by one and to tell me their name. We then sounded out the name and focused on highlighting the starting letter. He then had to drive his train and park it at the correct starting sound station. 

Anything with a train element always grabs my son's attention so try and choose a theme that you know will add an element of excitement for your child.

Parking trains at the sound stations.

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