Thursday, April 25, 2019

Rainbow Window

Create a gorgeous rainbow window to add some color to your view!

What you need:
- paper towels (we used the half size pieces, 2-ply)
- food coloring and water in small containers
- pipettes - we used the jumbo pipettes from Learning Resources
- black card
- pencil, scissors & glue
- it can get messy so a mat or a tray is a good idea (we used our trusty Messmatz)

How it works:
We've used this technique several times before and it never fails to entertain! I simply added one drop of food coloring to each small container of water and gave them a stir. Then the kids were let loose with the jumbo pipettes to fill their paper towels with colorful drops.

Adding the drops of water was a great fine motor skill workout, especially for 2 year old baby sis.

Once their paper towels were full of color, we left them to dry for a few hours. The colors looked awesome.

Making the window frames was pretty tricky so that was a job for me. I simply drew out a frame on the black card and cut out the 'glass' panel sections. The kids were then able to help me glue their colorful paper towels to the back of the frames.

The final step was to tape it to the real window to see the light shining through the colorful paper towels. It looked awesome! Definitely a fun way to add some color to our play room.

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