Thursday, May 9, 2019

Mother's Day Heart Card

A simple heart card for Mom which your kids will love making!

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What you need:
- paper towels (we used the half size pieces, 2-ply)
- food coloring and water in small containers
- pipettes - we used the jumbo pipettes from Learning Resources
- black card
- pencil, scissors & glue
Wonder Stix
- it can get messy so a mat or a tray is a good idea (we used our trusty Messmatz)

How it works:
This was a great little project for my 5 year old. I added one drop of food coloring to each small container of water and gave it a good stir. He started off by adding drops of the colored water to the paper towel.

The effect of the color splatters on the paper towel looked really cool. My son got so excited when the colors started to run into each other and make new colors. Once he had covered the whole paper towel we left it to dry for a few hours.

Next it was time to make the card. We folded an A4 piece of black card in half and drew a heart shape. I cut out the heart and my son cut the piece of dyed paper towel to size before gluing it in place on the back of the front cover of the card. Then it was up to him to add a message to the card and decorate it.

This was a lovely way to make a unique card. My son took such pride in making it, adding beautiful words and drawings. It might not be a surprise for me, but it was even more special as I saw how much he enjoyed making it!

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