
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Lego Emotions Board

Talking about emotions with toddlers is so important, as is giving them creative opportunities to express how they are feeling. This Lego emotions board provides a fun prompt for such emotional expressions.

Lego emotions board- feeling happy!

What you need:

- Lego baseplate (I got mine from Creative QT who sell peel-and-stick building block baseplates online)
- selection of Lego blocks (I used white for the head, yellow for the lettering and red for the mouth)
- some prompt questions to use when discussing how your toddler is feeling (read on for suggestions)

How it works:
The great thing with the Creative QT baseplates are that you can stick them anywhere. We have positioned our Lego emotions board near to my son's bed as we will use it in the morning and before bedtime.

The idea is simply that you present the board without the red mouth and eyes, just a face template. You ask your toddler how they are feeling and ask them to construct the red mouth to reflect their feelings. See pictures below for a few examples.

Sad or upset.
Cheeky or mischievous.
Ambivalent or 'ok'.

Once your toddler has constructed their emotional expression it is the perfect opportunity to ask them why they feel this way. Example discussion prompts:

- what made you feel like this?
- do you think you will feel like this all day long?
- what can I do to help you change how you are feeling?
- what can you do to help you change how you are feeling?
- do you feel the same everyday?
- do you think your friends will be feeling the same way that you do?

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