
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Roll and Race

Build your own board game using Lego bricks and baseplates for a fun yet very competitive family games night.

Roll and race Lego board game.

What you need:
- two peel-and-stick building block baseplates (available online from Creative QT)
- selection of bricks
- two Lego figures
- dice (we used a large foam one)

How it works:
I designed a simple board game using the baseplates and bricks. The aim of the game was to take it in turns to roll the dice and move up the board one brick at a time. The great thing about the Creative QT baseplates is that they can be stuck in a vertical position if desired so it can resemble the figures 'climbing up' the board.

Rolling the dice and hoping for a big number.
Counting out the bricks as he moves his figure up the board.

To win the game you simply have to be the first one to reach the 'finish box' at the top of your board.

Of course my son won!

This was a nice way to work on numbers and the concept of taking turns (and being patient!!). I always enjoy anything that provides the opportunity for us to spend time together as a family whilst also supporting my son's learning.

After we had played a few games I asked my son if he'd like to design his own board. This was his favourite part and really gave him chance to be creative. He enjoyed making the board as tricky as possible and then loved beating Mummy and Daddy over and over!

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