
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Caterpillar Card

A fun way to make thank you cards a little more personal with some simple finger painting.

Caterpillar thank you card.

What you need:
- A4 white card
- selection of acrylic paints
- black marker
- green marker

How it works:
I always like to try and make end of year teacher cards as I think it shows just how much we appreciate their efforts. This year we decided to give caterpillar fingerprint cards a try.

I folded the A4 card in half and asked my son to choose seven different coloured paints and he put a small blob of each on a plate. For the head of the caterpillar my son used a thumb print and then for the rest of the body he used his finger print. Once the paint had dried I added the letters 'THANKS', one on each part of the caterpillar's body. My son then added the legs and antennae using the black marker. The final touch was to add some grass underneath the caterpillar.

The card came out lovely and bright. My son enjoyed writing his name inside and was very proud of his work.

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