
Thursday, June 1, 2017


Wahoo this was like a party for hours! As simple as freezing water and confetti.

Confett-ice and fine motor tools.

What you need:
- plastic storage tub
- selection of ice cube trays
- selection of confetti
- a freezer
- some fine motor tools (we used the Learning Resources Helping Hands set)
- warm water
- selection of pouring pots

How it works:
To make the confetti ice cubes I simply filled up different types of ice cube trays with water and then sprinkled on the confetti. To make sure that the confetti didn't just stay at the top I pushed some down towards the bottom of the trays. I then stuck them in the freezer over night.

The next morning I released all of the ice cubes from their trays and presented them in a small plastic storage box along with some fine motor tools and pouring pots. My son loved feeling the cold ice and trying to pick out the confetti. The Helping Hands tools were a real hit to help scoop and transfer the ice between different pots.

Using the Helping Hands tools.

After a while the ice cubes started to melt and the confetti was released. I asked my son how we could make the ice cubes melt faster and he answered with using warm water. My son loves water play so he was happy tipping and squirting the warm water for ages. He got a little upset when most of the ice had melted but once I explained that we could re-freeze it he was fine.

Adding warm water.

Once the play was coming to a natural end my son declared that he had 'an idea'. This always worries me but I went with it. He wanted to add his Playmobil bikes to the tub. We spent another half hour enjoying the play, pretending that the ice cube trays were ramps and that the confetti was crash debris on the road. An unexpected direction of play but sometimes these are the most fun.

Playmobil bikes added to the mix.

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