
Friday, September 7, 2018

DIY Felt Board Activity Ideas

Find out how we made this simple felt board hack, as well as three easy activity ideas.

What you need:
- DIY photo frame felt board - read the full tutorial from our blog
- small pieces of brightly colored felt
- light brown felt
- craft scissors

Once you've made your board it's time to prep the felt pieces. For each piece of brightly colored felt- cut one ice cream scoop shape, and then a few small circles and some small triangle 'sprinkles'. Also use the light brown felt to make triangular cone shapes.

Activity ideas:

This was by far the most popular activity for my 18 month old. Simply build ice cream cones using the felt scoop shapes and toppings. As you do this, link to color, flavor and shape vocabulary.

This activity is all about color sorting. Lay the scoop shapes out on the felt board and call them color clouds. Encourage your kiddo to sort the small topping circles and triangles into color matching piles on top of the color clouds. This is also a fantastic fine motor skill workout!

Turn the ice cream cones upside down and call them party hats. Add a circle for a bobble topper and then decorate with the colorful triangles.

So many more felt board ideas still to explore, but all three of these caught the creative imagination of my toddler!

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