Friday, December 14, 2018

Alphabet Construction

Encourage hands-on letter formation with this fun loose part and letter book set up!

We were kindly gifted a Picasso Tiles PTN100 Nuts and Bolts Building Set for purpose of review. This post contains affiliate links.

My 5 year old loves his Alphabet Construction book by Denise Fleming. It's such a fun way to learn letters, whilst relating them to all things construction. I knew this book would be a great match with our Picasso Tiles Nuts and Bolts. I also added a construction helmet and vest just for fun!

This was a very open-ended set up with the emphasis on my son exploring the materials and trying to form letters from the nuts and bolts set. He loved that he got to choose which letters to make. It was fascinating watching him use his engineering skills to form the different letters on each page.

He started off pretty simple, just using the large pieces to make letters. But he soon realized he could use the tool to make his letters 3D!

The nuts and bolts set was the perfect toy to use as it encourage fine motor development, as well as challenging him with some fun STEM learning. Play based learning is always a winner with my son.

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