
Monday, September 30, 2019

Hammer Splat Painting

Process art at it's finest! Create awesome paint splatters using paint, cotton pads and a hammer.

What you need:
- white card
- acrylic paints (we used IKEA MALA neon paints)
- round cotton pads
- small hammer
- some sort of mat or tray is a good idea as it can get messy (we used our PlaSmart MessMatz)

How it works:
I remember doing this exact same activity with my son when he was 3 yrs old and he LOVED it! I knew 2.5 yr old baby sis would be just as impressed with the awesome paint splatters created by using a hammer.

The first step is to ask your child to squirt large blobs of paint onto the card. It is important that these blobs of paint are a decent size so that the paint splatters out from under the cotton round.

Once you have lots of paint blobs on the page, it's time to cover them with the cotton rounds. This is a great opportunity to work on fine motor skills! You can also talk about the texture of the cotton and the shape of the pads.

Now the real fun starts! Use the hammer to hit the cotton rounds and watch as the paint splatters out of the sides!

Encourage your child to hammer the middle of the cotton pad, and with a generous dose of force too. That way the paint will really fly out the sides and they'll love the effect it leaves on the page.

Once all the colors have been splattered, peel off the cotton pads. Again this is a great opportunity for your little one to work on their fine motor skills. It's also super cute to hear their reaction as they reveal the splattered paint on their page.

Leave the paint to dry for a while and then you have a really unique piece of process art to display.

A good tip if you are working with younger kids is to hammer the first one with them so they get used to the amount of power needed. If they don't hit the cotton pad hard enough, the paint won't splatter out but will instead just make a big round smudge. It also helps to make sure you use enough paint under each pad. Happy hammering friends!

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